Monday, March 31, 2008

The Bread Crust Organization

Finland's Next Top Model?

I wanted to let you all know that I am planning to run for Finland's Next Top Model. Feel free to have a look at this link to get an idea of what my portfolio would look like:

Yes. It's ok to laugh. There are two main newspapers in Aland, and one of the photographers, who had the "privelege" of getting the first picture of the American futbol player, chose that one. Really? Reeeaally? Hold on, sir, I'm not sure you got all my chins in there.

Ok, so maybe it's not that bad, but I think we can all agree (or at least hope) that there could have been a better picture somewhere in that roll of film...? I was actually hoping no one would see these pictures, but as one of you has now called me out as being "Googleable," I thought they might turn up anyways.

Down to Bizz-nas

It's time to tell you what has happened since my initial post. Well...not that much. I have spent most of the time in my apartment. It's been nice, really, having absolutely nothing to do. The majority of it I have spent reading. I luckily purchased Atlas Shrugged before I came here, so it is bound to keep me occupied in all the downtime. Victoria and Matt, I'm ready for a discussion anytime.

I did have my first practice today, and it has totally energized me. I am so happy to be on a team once again. God I love playing this sport. It felt so good to be back at a competative, gritty practice. It was great to run to exhaustion and fire shots at the goal. They're paying me to do this? Well I love my job and I have no question that I am where I am supposed to be.

The team is very good. They all have an excellent first touch and play very smart, composed, 1 and 2 touch soccer. I expected this coming in. I can't say that there are any Parissa Eyorokons or Lauren Masons out there (although there is a field player that is roughly the height and exudes the toughness of Lauren Mason...yeah, win a header against that girl), but there is definite talent. It's not flashy talent, necessarily, but it's quick-and-consistent-decision-making talent. They know what to do with a ball on their feet and they make it happen. They are also very young. Most of the girls on the team are between the ages of 17 and 21. Oh, by the way, I have a 38-year-old teammate. What a baller! I haven't actually had the chance to play with her yet but have been told by everyone that she is incredible. And I guess so, since she played for the Finnish National Team in the '90s. And you thought Brett Favre was impressive. She's still truckin'!

As far as personal performance at practice, I think I did pretty well. My Purdue coach told me before I left to just play the game I always play. Be myself. So I was. The head coach for Aland United is not as proficient in English as the assisstant coach, but he did manage to tell me, "you are quick defender who ees ready for da' fight." Translation? Hmmm...through hand and body gestures I figured out that he was telling me that I close down players readily and perhaps with tenacity? I don't know, but he was complimenting me, and it was nice. Today's practice also made me realize that I still have to work on all the things I have always struggled with in soccer...playing quickly, looking over my shoulder, turning if I have space, etc. Especially in this environment, where the girls excel in each of those things. I look forward to tomorrow's practice. Did I mention that I really love playing soccer again?

Let's Talk Swedish

All of you should know that my brother Aaron has a desire to learn how to say, "The cheese is old and moldy" in every language. Don't judge. We all have hobbies. Of course, A-Rob has already learned how to say it in Swedish in preparation for his visit to Aland (how else is he supposed to get around?). But since all of the people here constantly discuss the difficulty of the Finnish language, I am going to find out how to say "the cheese is old and moldy" in Finnish. Then, A, when you come here, you can reeeaaally impress people. Just picture it:

"Hello. The cheese is old and moldy."

Awe-stricken response:
"Yes, yes it certainly is."

But seriously, I really, really want to learn Swedish. Everyone here does know some basic English but spends most of the time speaking in Swedish. It would be nice to have an idea of what the topic of everyday conversation is. So far I know how to say hello, good-bye, good, tree, tall tree, girl, that girl, and light. It's a slow process. Although, the language barrier does provide for a few funny moments. For example, today our team mom, Monika (who has taken excellent care of me thus far), told me that she would not be at practice tonight because she had a meeting.

"Have you heard of Da Bread Crust Organization?" she asked.

Hmmm. Well she does like to cook. Should I have heard of The Bread Crust Organization?

"No," I shrugged. "What sort organization is it?"

"We help peeple."

"Oh, like volunteer work?"

"Ya. Bread Crust."

...what an intersting name for a volunteer organization. Then it dawned on me.

"Oh!! Red Cross! The Red Cross Organization!! Yes, yes I've heard of The Red Cross!!"

Go ahead, reader, say "Red Cross" to yourself with your best Swedish accent. You'll hear it, too.

Hej da (good-bye) for now!


Fran said...

ya, I love the humor! lol

vmarsh said...

Hey, I'm glad your first day went well! We'll talk soon :)
...And you know I'm always down for a little Atlas Shrugged convo

Emgustaf said...

I am laughing out loud in my apartment right now! It's like you never even left...I'm still laughing hardcore! I haven't peed my pants yet on that one! ha, love you!

Anonymous said...

thank you for telling everyone my "hobby." if you must know it was inspired by encino man starring pauly shore and brendan frasier. so far i know english, french, spanish, chinese, turkish, swedish, and german.

An American in Aland said...

Haha sorry Aaron. I'm pretty sure Mom and Dad are really the only people who read this blog, so hopefully it's not a big deal. Looove you!
(ps- you have a very impressive list going! I didn't know you knew it in so many languages.)

Ali said...

oh contrare my friend, fran and dr. rob are not the only people who read this blog.....excellent posting! loved the pics as well. I take my mcat tomorrow am so send me some prayers all the way from aland. Have a great day!