Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Here are some pictures that I have taken so far on Aland. Enjoy!

To your left is the view from my balcony. Not bad, huh?

These next three are some pics that I took as we drove out of the main town and into the country. There are inlets everywhere and, as you can see, they are beautiful.

Next are a few pics taken out in the country. I really love the red roads.

I thought this barn was especially picturesque.

This a picture that I took of one of the photographers. Ha-Ha! How does eet feel?

We came out here for a photo shoot, but I had to take some pictures of my own.

Yeah, I live here.

This picture was taken at a port just down the street from my apartment.

For now, uploading these photos is slow and frustrating, so I gotta stop. More to come later!


pops said...

Bec, Loved the pics. Reminds me of Lake Esnagi where we fish in Canada. Great talking to you last night and seeing your cute little face. Love, Pops

junior_bacon_cheeseburger said...


Guess who this is.....

Yo, Bec, what up? Those pictures are awesome. I can't believe your a celebrity there! Thats hilarious. I downloaded some Swedish program so I can try to learn some little bits, but I'm sure you'll be fluent by the time I get there. Mom sent out some article, but it was in Swedish so I couldn't read it. I guess you guys lost your first game though, bummer. Oh well, you guys are just getting aquainted with each other on the field so it'll take time to get some good flow goin'.

Anyway, just added this blog to my favorites so keep up the posts/pictures!

Ha det så bra! Vi ses senare.

An American in Aland said...

Davey!! Haha, if the name "Junior Bacon Cheeseburger" didn't give it away, then the EEEEEEEEE certainly did. :) Thanks for checkin' in. I miss you! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Hey you. Paparazzi here, recognize this one?

Translated it says: This is Becca from the states. We went for a walk today. It was cold.

Guess this evens the pic-of-you-in-my-blog score.
How does eet feel?