"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero."
Yep. It's true.
Tonight, all three of my brothers were at my parents' house, in town for my cousin Chris's wedding (which I was quite sad to miss). They all crowded their heads into the view of my parents' webcam, along with my mom and dad and my brother Ben's lovely girlfriend Jackie, to say hi. I haven't seen Ben or Aaron since February, and haven't seen David since right before I left.
As usual, David (or "Davey," as we call him), my little brother, was his pleasant and quiet self. He just smiled and laughed as he always does. He was rocking a new and unexpected haircut, one very clean compared to the shaggy-to-long hair he has sported for the last 4 years. I almost didn't recognize him. It looks nice though. :)
Aaron, my 2nd oldest and always thoughful, engaging, and witty brother, was the one typing and leading the conversation (we had to type because it was late and I did not want to wake my neighbor!). He asked me questions about my apartment and team and made me laugh with funny faces and usage of Swedish.
Ben, the oldest, stood in the background, and as usual, was the one making hilarious comments to crack up the entire room. I think I may have woken my neighbor in spite of my efforts to be quiet. But it was so great to hear my entire family laugh and laugh with them. Ben always provides these moments.
It was really, really good to see them all and it made me so happy that I had to write this quick entry about the brothers of whom I am so proud. I don't know if sisters are cool or not, but it's hard to beat being raised with three superheroes.

Aaron, David, me, and Ben
Love you guys! :)
Bec, Loved watching the four of you communicating by "silent webcam". The Robisons won't let a few thousand miles, six hour time difference and noise restriction stop us from feeling the family love! Dad
david you stole my comment. fucktist bra! it was nice to talk to you becca. I am pissed I didn't think to do a "screen print" (press "Prnt Scrn" button, go to Paint, press Ctrl+V) of all of us on there. oh well.
FYI, it's actually spelled faktiskt. And faktiskt bra means "really good."
aw that was very nice becca. that was a lot of fun...as i now have to get a new laptop (thx to matt looking at certain websites) i will get one with a webcam!
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